"The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow."


Gerome Cummins

Commander - Post 2365

Cerebia Epps

Sr Vice Commander - Post 2365

Joseph Redding

Jr Vice Commander - Post 4105

Roger Allison

Quartermaster - Post 3500

Chris Weber

Adjutant - Post 5468

Deporah Halter

Chaplain - Post 3944

Mitch Mitchem

VSIO - Post 6274


James Craven

Commander - 1102 - Post 1102

Tony Alexander

Quartermaster - 1102 - Post 1102

Christopher Neilsen

Adjutant - 1102 - Post 1102

Noland Pour

Veteran Service Officer - 1102 - Post 1102

Dennis Meade

Commander - 2184 - Post 2184

Wesley Smith

Quartermaster - 2184 - Post 2184

Nick Wilson

Adjutant -2184 - Post 2184

Nick Smith

Post Service Officer - 2184 - Post 2184

Gerome Cummins

Commander - 2365 - Post 2365

James McKay

Quartermaster - 2365 - Post 2365

Stephanie Boykin

Adjutant - 2365 - Post 2365

Byron Johnson

Post Service Officer - 2365 - Post 2365

Roger Allison

Commander - 3500 - Post 3500

Jim Lohmann

Quartermaster - 3500 - Post 3500

Deborah Halter

Adjutant - 3500 - Post 3500

Deborah Halter

Post Service Officer - 3500 - Post 3500

Fred Darby

Commander - 3944 - Post 3944

Kenneth Meyer

Quartermaster - 3944 - Post 3944

Micah DeCamp

Adjutant - 3944 - Post 3944

John Clark

Post Service Officer - 3944 - Post 3944

Joseph Redden

Commander - 4105 - Post 4105

Jason Talbott

Quartermaster - 4105 - Post 4105

James Behlmann

Adjutant - 4105 - Post 4105

Ron Scanlon

Post Service Officer - 4105 - Post 4105

Luis Martinez

Commander - 4223 - Post 4223

Harold Krohne

Quartermaster - 4223 - Post 4223

Joseph Weber

Adjutant - 4223 - Post 4223

Ken House

Post Service Officer - 4223 - Post 4223

Joseph Olson

Commander - 5468 - Post 5468

Chris Weber

Quartermaster -5468 - Post 5468

Chris Weber

Adjutant - 5438 - Post 5468

Chris Weber

Post Service Officer - 5438 - Post 5468

Michael Mueller

Commander - 6274 - Post 6274

Ronald Portis

Quartermaster - 6274 - Post 6274

Austin Smith

Adjutant - 6274 - Post 6274

Grant Nelson

Post Service Officer - 6274 - Post 6274